13 April 2008

Ben Stein is a Whore

Well, OK, that was a given. The whoredom of anyone who was a speech writer for Tricky Dick is thoroughly established. Stein, though, has been working on his intellectual credentials the last several years (Intellectual by US standards, that is, which means you drool only a little and can usually get to the bathroom by yourself. Which is yet another reason the rest of the world views the US as a joke. A cruel joke with too much money, too many weapons, and not enough sense to manage either.). Now he is using his new "legitimacy" in his new film "Expelled," which supposedly exposes the persecution of those who espouse "intelligent design" (I put that in quotes because there is in fact nothing intelligent about "intelligent design." And there are good reasons mainstream science doesn't accept it as an alternative theory, such as: 1) little if any evidence offered supporting it, its proponents focusing instead on attacking evolution, and failing miserably; 2) no methodology for potentially falsifying the theory, understandable since it's in fact scripturally based and most of its proponents can accept no falsifying; and 3) no methodology for scientifically examining an intelligent designer. Stein, along with all the other proponents, simply ignores all this and claims "academic persecution.").

The depth of Stein's intellectualism is apparent, though, in his marketing of the film. There have been no screenings for critics, and the only screenings have been for carefully selected groups of evangelicals. In other words, Stein's film is an exploitive shit fest that he expects to rake in a bunch of cash by preaching to the choir, not by actually exploring the issues. I am so shocked.

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