They Heppin'
There are a couple of nasty, "Why aren't you doing well like everyone else?" ad campaigns going on right now. First is Parents Empowered, dreamed up by the Ortho-Morms who run the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Controls. They claim they're just trying to stop teenage drinking, but in reality it's a slam campaign aimed straight at Gentiles and Jack Mormons. An honest rendering of their ad campaign is, "If your child so much as LOOKS at booze, he'll turn into a Reaver!" (If you don't know what that means, do yourself a favor and plug into Firefly.
The other is the Feed the Pig campaign, reminding people, especially young people, that they need to save for a rainy day and retirement. It's condescending as all Hell, and it gives no consideration to the lack of both affordable housing and living-wage jobs. It's another "You are insufficiently righteous, otherwise you wouldn't have this problem" load of shit. The revolution needs to start soon, and it needs to start by fire-bombing the Republican Legislative Caucus.
Labels: 1%ers, faith, Koch Bros., legislature, Mormons, Rethuglicans, Sutherland Institute