In other news, Tory MEP Daniel Hannan bleats in his Telecrap blog (which apparently is the day job of this plucky champion of the private sector and member of a party full of other plucky champions of the private sector, snort) that he is all bent out of shape because the "left-wingers" in the European Parliament want to stop public funds from going to fascist parties. Tres tragique. He trots out all the slippery slope arguments, and he's just full of shit. First, let's note that MEP Hambone was president of the Oxford University Conservative Association while at Oriel, the place that gave us the Oxford [Bowel] Movement (The principal problem with the Anglican Communion is that there is a closet Anglo-Catholic sitting on the throne in Canterbury.), and he puts all that indoctrination on display here. Second, the prime aim of the fascist parties is to destroy all other parties and implement a one-party regime, but Hambone seems incapable of distinguishing between that and parties that may be unpopular but are willing to let others remain in existence (a distinction everyone else has no problem absorbing). Third, why should the general public fund this hate? Germany tolerated it, and Hitler took power. We tolerated it, and the Talibaggers and Koch-Sucker Bros. took power. Long past time to draw a line and chop off all fascist body parts that cross it.
Of course that isn't really what's going on with Hon. Hambone. He's really ranting about government funding of politics. Because then the government can pick which parties it wants to allow. As opposed to the system Hambone is advocating, namely the 1% and multi-national corporations dictating which parties they want to allow. And let me tell you something, folks: You will never get to vote on who belongs to the 1%. Daniel Hannan is a hypocritical tool.Labels: Daniel Hannan, Koch Bros., Oxford Movement