04 June 2020

When Fascism Comes to Murica...

...it will be brought by white, suburban, "thoughts-and-prayers" liberals.  Like Mayor Maggothaul.  More on that fucktard below (Keep reading.  It's a doozy and worth your time.)

Thanks to Herroner, we now have an overnight curfew through next Monday.  Because of the "riot."  GODDAMNIT PEOPLE, THERE WAS NO FUCKING RIOT!  A cop car got burned, and another car got trashed.  Boo fucking hoo.  One of the cardinal rules of riots is, "Fuck the rules."  But here were hundreds of people waiting for the traffic lights to change before they crossed the street.  OH, THE HUMANITY!  A number of cops claim they "felt threatened."  BULLSHIT, you motherfucking thugs!  You're more heavily armed and armored than the average Marine in Kandahar.  Threatened?  Fuck that.  That was a Sunday School picnic next to the real thing, you wienie, lying sacks of shit.  I was sucked into worse when I was 9.  I was actively involved in worse when I was 11.  And you big, brave heroes were afraid?  Suck it.  You weren't afraid when almost as big a crowd, armed to the teeth with semi-auto weapons, surrounded City Hall because their favorite bar was closed and they couldn't get a haircut.  But oh wait, those inbred Trumptards were political allies of yours, weren't they?  And memo to Maggothaul: Remind me again what curfew you imposed then?  Oh that's right, there wasn't one.  But there weren't any cops telling you to get your kneepads out and start servicing them that time, were there?  You are such a piece of...work.

You apologists out there are going, "Well yeah, but the anti-lockdown demonstrators weren't causing any damage."  First, morons, these were suburban whites who have a voice in what happens.  They like to whine about being ignored, but they aren't.  Second, the lockdown did not put them at risk for their lives, it just inconvenienced their lifestyles.  They aren't being murdered in their homes or on routine traffic stops.  Finally, if you and your gang are walking around packing Armalites and threatening violence up to and including civil war, THAT is damage.  You're damaging everyone else's security just because you're an overgrown brat throwing a temper tantrum.  Just like your Fearless Leader Der Drumpfenfuehrer.

One of the schmucks who torched the cop car has been charged .  Federally.  They went that way because the federal criminal justice system is criminal.  He's facing a mandatory five years and up to 20.  Because his arson "interfered with interstate commerce."  Again, bullshit.  This isn't about enforcing the law.  This is about intimidating.  This is about terrorizing.  And OBTW, fuck the Feddies for going along with this.  ATF are whores.  DAs are whores.  SEC, FTC, FBI, CBP, etc., etc., etc.  They don't give a SHIT about that guy.  They want an example.  They want to beat all the rest of us into line.  So watch out, guy with "Black Lives Matter" painted on your car.  You're on a road, you're "interfering with interstate commerce."  And the sign on the I-215 crossing saying "Black Lives Matter"?  Definitely "interfering with interstate commerce."  You see where this is going?  They want to CRUSH your ability to speak out.

Now on to Mayor Maggothaul.  My intel network has given me some intel.  I have been unable to determine whether it's gold dust or chicken feed, but I'm going to throw it out there at least as a heads up.  We knew in the mayor's race that Escamilla was the progressive candidate and Maggothaul was the DNC/DLC corporate whore.  I have learned that certain shit may have gone down in that race.  Namely that DNC/DLC corporate operatives engaged in a covert get-out-the-vote campaign with East Bench Rethuglican whites that basically said, "You'd better get out and vote because you don't want a brown West Sider as mayor, do you?"  Now, there is no way to verify that anyone received such a  pitch because no one will admit they received such a pitch, much less acted on it, so that is pretty much a dead end.  But such behavior is consistent with the thoroughly assholish behavior I saw from the DNC/DLC tools as Hilbots in 2016 and Anybody-But-Bernie-Bots in 2020.  "Erin is white/cute/white/pliant/white" (not necessarily in that order).  So while it would not surprise me if this happened, for obvious reasons, I can not tell you with certainty it happened.  But I can tell you that, even if they didn't, they wanted to, and that sentiment is what they're acting on now.

But hey, law and order, right?  Earlier this week some fascist asshat was pontificating down at the former protest site about how we need "law and order".  Let me tell you about the history of "law and order" in this country.  Farmers in western Massachusetts want more of a say in the government?  We need "law and order".  Natives want to keep their land?  We need "law and order".  Abolitionists want to end slavery?  We need "law and order".  Miners and railway workers want decent working conditions?  We need "law and order".  Women want to vote?  We need "law and order".  Veterans want their benefits?  We need "law and order".  Blacks want to vote?  We need "law and order".  People want to stop the draft and the invasion of Southeast Asia?  We need "law and order".  Hispanic farm workers try to organize?  We need "law and order".  Anyone advocating "law and order" is in fact advocating mob rule supporting the powers that be and needs his head turned into a canoe.

Maggothaul needs gone.  Even if this racist crap from the election isn't the case, she needs gone.  She, along with her DNC/DLC enablers, need removed.  Otherwise, we are headed for full on fascism.  And don't believe the narrative trying to demonize the protesters.  They aren't the problem, and it's pretty damned obvious exactly who actually is.  And fuck you if you insist on believing otherwise.

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