31 May 2020

The Desert of the Real World

As I've been pounding home for some time (See here, here, here, and here.), we are under siege.  So I have to say we haven't really learned anything in the last couple of days, but we sure have had our noses rubbed in it.  In case you can't see it, let me lay a few things out.

1. We have yet another fraudulent autopsy.  Apparently the cops were in no way to blame for George Floyd's death.  At least that's what yet another cop-sucking fraud...er, excuse me..."coroner" says.  Now we'll see our "justice" system in all its glory.  The DA filed criminal charges.  True, they were slap-on-the-wrist level charges designed to placate the masses, not punish the offenders, but now we'll see what the DA actually intended.  If he actually intended to press those charges, and this wasn't just a sugar-off that was going to get slid out the back door from the start, he'll grab that body yesterday and get an independent examination.  Is anyone out there holding their breath?
2. We now have a curfew in Salt Lake City.  Because of the riot.  And I call big-league bullshit.  There was no riot.  I know, I was down there.  I was maintaining significant social distance, but I had a decent view.  I know riots because I've been around a few, and that was no riot.  Two cars burned and a few idiots roughed up is not a riot.  Rioters do not wait for crosswalk signals to change.  This curfew is just an excuse to oppress political activity.  Contrary to what Herroner Erin Mendenhall says, the people of SLC have nothing to be embarrassed about.  She, on the other hand, has plenty to be embarrassed about, and it isn't the phony "riot".  It's about allowing Guvnuh Available to chivvy her into turning SLC into an overt police state.  Is she embarrassed about that?  Are you kidding?  Mendenhall is exactly what we've known she was ever since the party hacks made sure she'd win out over Luz Escamilla:  a DNC whorebucket.  She is another sign the Democratic Party will never deliver anything resembling a progressive agenda.  She's another brick in the wall.
3. Speaking of the protests, we know there are a bunch of reich-wing counterprotesters showing up.  We also know the cops are planting "under cover" officers in the protests ("Nice cop shoes, asshole.  And I like that body armor I can see through your shirt.").  And we know the reich-wing groups are planting their own operatives to stir shit.  Now here are a few riddles for you.  How much of the violence was provoked if not outright committed by the plants?  That's exactly what the reich-wing operatives would be planted for.  As for the cops, well they wouldn't do anything like that, would they?  I mean the FBI hasn't been doing exactly that since J. Smeghead Pooper first took the reins, has it?  And do you think that question will actually get looked at?  Or will it just be swept under the rug as part of the narrative of demonizing the Left pushed by our oh-so-liberal media?
4. And so we have once again reached THAT point in our political cycle.  The various minorities in this country are in no way surprised by what is happening; this is just another day in paradise.  They aren't just pissed off that the cops murdered George Floyd; they're pissed off that this keeps happening and nothing ever changes.  What's different now is that us white people are being targeted.  Which is what has happened every time we have joined the fight against oppression.  The Ueberklass loves "white activists" who support them (You think armed, white thugs getting away with everything is new?  Check the Hard Hat Riots, the pro-Nixon construction worker counterprotests organized by Peter J. Brennan, whom Nixon richly rewarded for this effort by making him Secretary of Labor [and when will workers ever figure out they aren't doing themselves any favors by backing the power].  Check corporate use of the National Guard and private Pinkerton armies.  Hell, what do you think the KKK has always been?), but will crush whites who cross the aisle.  Whiskey and Shay's Rebellions.  Abolition and John Brown.  Draft Riots and Pullman Strikes.  Ludlow and Matewan.  Women's Suffrage and Bonus Army.  Civil Rights and Vietnam.  The response has always been the same, and it's coming again.

The last big targeting of white activists was 1967-72.  Ever hear of Kent State, kiddies?  Of course you have (Side note: How many of you noticed 4 May was the 50th Anniversary?  Yeah, I thought so.  It's all being erased from the collective memory.).  Now here are a few things you probably haven't heard about.  Nixon and his minions had been actively demonizing antiwar protesters for two years, calling them "bums" and "pawns of foreign communists" (Years later John Ehrlichman admitted the "War on Drugs" was created to demonize and criminalize civil rights and antiwar activists.), and they kept right on doing it afterward.  The FBI had illegal infil operations going on against the SDS, the Panthers, and just about everyone else who wasn't a card-carrying member of the US Chamber of Commerce.  And right after Kent State, Nixon's White House started a disinformation campaign that there were ballistic tests that showed the bullets that killed the students hadn't come from National Guard rifles (this was a big, fucking lie disseminated through the usual channels, i.e. John Birch Society, Phyllis Schlafly's network, etc.).  And perhaps worst of all was that Kent State wasn't even an isolated incident.  Yeah, you read that right.  Four days after Kent State, 8 May 1970, the New Mexico National Guard bayonetted 11 people in a protest at the University of New Mexico, but they all lived so it's all good.  On 14 May 1970 police opened fire on students at Jackson State University and killed two of them, along with wounding another dozen, but hey it was Jackson State, so those were all "colored folk" so it doesn't really matter, right?

It's coming again, people.  The cops don't even need the National Guard; they've been thoroughly militarized courtesy the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror".  Heavily armed private armies are a thing again.  The Ueberklass owns every institution from the federal government down through your local school, bank, and what's left of the newspaper.  Welcome to 1877.  It took us 60 years to half-way/half-ass sort things out that time.  We don't have that kind of luxury now.

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