A response to an op-ed piece by Georgetown, KY-Jelly native Michael Smith:
Somebody call the waaambulance for Michael Smith, who's from Kentucky and probably masturbates to pictures of Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. I'd say your opnion is bullshit, but bullshit has positive uses, and you opinion has none. First, no one is campaigning for open borders. That's a straw man, and if you don't know it, you're too stupid to have a public comment. Except in places like Kentucky. Second, if you're opposed to the goals of the Green New Deal (and that's all the GND is right now, a statement of objectives), you're part of the problem, and you need "solved." Third, if you're willing to back Der Drumpfenfuehrer in spite of the laundry list of evil you provided, well look at point #2. You're one of those 1930s Germans who said, "I've got to back Hitler because the socialists must be stopped and some Jews have too much money and power." Fourth, oh come on, the overwhelming majority of mass shootings have been committed by white, male Trumptards. Like you. Fifth, yes the rich are buying this country courtesy the Citizens United decision, and if you can't see that, you're blind every way but visually and maybe that way too. Sixth, no one is saying the country is hopelessly racist. Not even the Rethuglican Party is hopelessly racist, but I don't like its odds of recovery at this point. You know that plant in Mississippi that got raided was a Koch plant, right? You know the Koch's had the feds raid it after the workers started campaigning for better working conditions? You know that a bunch of the workers who got swept up are actually here legally and have papers, but hey ICE don't need no stinkin' probable cause other than skin color, right? And yet you want to say this isn't about money and race? You're a special kind of stupid, Michael Smith.Labels: 1%ers, fuckface, Koch Bros., Rethuglicans, shitheads, Trump