Rainer Shea Is What's Wrong With The Left
Shea is the sort of puritanical Marxist I've been dealing with since long before he was born, the type whose only "accomplishment" is keeping the Left divided and powerless through incessant gatekeeping. Many of those people were actually corporate shills sent to do just that, and given a couple of Shea's current positions, I have to wonder where all he's getting his cornpone.
First, he seems to think opposing Russia and China is just imperialism. Please. I knew more about both when he was still swimming around in his daddy's nutsack than he'll ever know, and I've kept up, so I'm not putting up with this bullshit. Russia is a religio-fascist state Hells-bent on recovering Eastern Europe. China is a pseudo-socialist hellscape that destroys its environment and ruthlessly exploits its workers so it can present the proper face to naive, Western damnfools. Is there imperialism involved? Of course. Does that mean they shouldn't be opposed? Give me a fucking break.
Second, he's suddenly cutting a lot of slack to a lot of right wingers who in no way support the Left. He thinks libertarians opposing corporate government somehow makes them allies. That is a bullshit tsunami. They don't oppose corporate government; they oppose functioning government. With very few exceptions, they're Ayn Rand Fascists with fully digested copies of Atlas Shrugged inhabiting their guts like tapeworms and visions of being John Galt dancing in their heads. He also thinks the populist shift to isolationism is somehow anti-imperialist. No, just no. Isolationism and imperialism are facially strange bedfellows that have historically gotten on quite well together. The populists are just using Israel's genocide of the Palestinians (And yes, we need to stop supporting Israel and start helping the Palestinians in ways that matter. And no, opposing Israel is not anti-Semitic. Israel is not Judaism. Israel is not the prophesied Jewish state. Unless the Messiah came back recently and took over, and I just missed the memo.) as a cover for their inherent anti-Semitism and America First policies, neither of which are or should be a part of Leftist policy.
The Left has long been plagued with the shallow and callow, people too immature to understand success is built from coalitions, coalitions of people who disagree on many things, who may not even like each other, but who are willing to tolerate each other to accomplish something. Shea may one day grow up enough to understand this. I'm not holding my breath.
Labels: fuckface, hypocrisy, John Birch Society, religion, US sucks