10 April 2020

Be Careful Out There

And I'm not talking about avoiding SARS-CoV-2.  I made the mistake of going downtown today without a tie and a briefcase.  Tieless and with a backpack.  And I got shaken down by two of the county's finest brownshirts.  Fortunately I was able to prove fairly readily that I actually have a home I live in and such things, so they gave up their thoroughly illegal harassment and let me go on my way.  But FFS, I'm an older white male and reasonably clean.  I can guess what these cheesedicks are doing to people without those advantages.

As if cops weren't already bad enough, they're using the virus to get worse.  And as always it's because they "feel threatened."  By what?  No one is restricting their movement.  No one is threatening their nice salaries, health benefits, and pensions.  And it isn't like they aren't equipped with better PPEs than most healthcare workers, let alone the poor cashier at you grocery store.  No, they're just engaging in one of the favorite cop pastimes,  whining to make everyone feel sorry for them and let them get away with even more murder.

Am I going to report it?  Are you shitting me?  Those two asswipes would just make up a lie about it, because lying is what cops do, and I don't need that trouble.  Just remember that the only people cops "protect and serve" are the Ueberklass and themselves.

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