Happy Illegal Immigrants Day
Today is Pioneer Day in the TRU (Theocratic Republic of Utardistan), by which they mean Mormon pioneers, 1847, and all that twaddle. One of the lovely ironies here is that, when these people got here, it was part of Mexico. And they certainly didn't have Mexico's permission to move in (That would have required 1) at least lip-service conversion to Catholicism, which wasn't gonna happen, and 2) freeing slaves, which wasn't gonna happen either. Oh yes, modern Mormies, many of your rugged, pioneer ancestors were slavers. And Peep-Stone Joe and Brigham the Brigand were racist AF even by the standards of the time.). Which makes them Utah's original illegal immigrants. Suck on that at your next Kahn-fernce.
Labels: holidays, hypocrisy, Mormons, Utah sucks